Cyber crime Helpline 2025
Cybercrime prevention tips
- In case of threatening calls from unknown numbers, disconnect and do not keep talking.
- Do not panic under any circumstances – the caller could say ‘You will be arrested’ or ‘your electricity connection will be disconnected’ or ‘your bank account / card will be blocked’ – Just disconnect the call, as these are all meant to panic the receiver.
- Never share any information to ANY caller be it your bank or anyone.
- Note down the number from which the call was received and report the incident to cybercrime police.
- Cybercrime complaint can be lodged 24 x 7 through phone number 1930 . You can also lodge online complaint through the below websites:
- Earliest reporting of cybercrime is very important- Do not delay – Complain at the earliest.
- Think twice before sharing your Id to anyone. Avoid sharing your personal details unnecessarily and in unavoidable circumstances ‘ print boldly across the document as to whom and why it was shared along with the date’.
- Check the reliability of the shop before taking photo copy of sensitive documents like Aadhaar card, PAN card, license, ration card, Voter Id or passport. If possible have a copier at home and take copies.