Cyber crime Helpline 2025

Cyber crime Helpline 2025

Cybercrime prevention tips

  • In case of threatening calls from unknown numbers, disconnect and do not keep talking.
  • Do not panic under any circumstances – the caller could sayYou will be arrested’ or ‘your electricity connection will be disconnected’ or ‘your bank account / card will be blocked’ – Just disconnect the call, as these are all meant to panic the receiver.
  • Never share any information to ANY caller be it your bank or anyone.
  • Note down the number from which the call was received and report the incident to  cybercrime police.
  • Cybercrime complaint can be lodged 24 x 7 through phone number 1930 . You can also lodge online complaint through the below websites:

  • Earliest reporting of cybercrime is very important- Do not delay – Complain at the earliest.
  • Think twice before sharing your Id to anyone. Avoid sharing your personal details unnecessarily and in unavoidable circumstances ‘ print boldly across the document as to whom and why it was shared along with the date’.
  • Check the reliability of the shop before taking photo copy of sensitive documents like Aadhaar card, PAN card, license, ration card, Voter Id or passport. If possible have a copier at home and take copies.
Computer Safety Tips Video in Poornashakti YouTube Channel

Computer Safety Tips Video in Poornashakti YouTube Channel

My video giving ’12 Tips for Cyber Safety’ , created to commemorate ‘Computer Security Day-2024’ is being published in three parts under the title of  “பயமில்லாம online போகலாம் வாங்க! |security tips” by the popular YouTube channel PoornaShakti , a channel dedicated for the welfare of Elders.

First part of the video was uploaded on the 30th of Novemeber , 2024 and can be viewed at: PoornaShakti

Second Part was uploaded on the 7th of December, 2024 under the title of ‘Stay safe online with these useful tips’ and can be viewed at: Part-2

Third Part was uploaded on the 5th of January, 2025 under the title of ‘Cyber world- Change fear to confidence’ and can be viewed at: Part-3

All are invited not only to view the video but also share the same with their friends, relatives, near and Dear ones, so that Cyber awareness is spread and people don’t fall a victim to cyber crime.

Please note to offer your valuable comments at the comments section in the YouTube channel.

Please also subscribe to the channel, so that you are updated about the release of other two parts , as well as other useful videos.



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Computer Security day -12 Tips to stay Cyber safe

Computer Security day -12 Tips to stay Cyber safe

Was happy to address an interactive audience on the occasion of Computer Security Day, on the 30th Novemeber, 2024.

Invited by the Inner Wheel Club of Chennai Harmony to deliver a lecture on Cyber security awareness,  the online session titled ‘ 12 Tips to stay Cyber Safe‘ was open to all and the participation was encouraging . It was gratifying to note that at a Retirement Community in Bengaluru, around 30 seniors watched the whole programme on a big screen, as per the feedback from a grateful senior, who earlier worked me at a very senior position in a leading software organization.

The 90 minutes session was well received by around 65 people and the participants were enthusisatic to learn more about Cyber security incidents and preventive measures.

Inviting the participants,  Ms. Sudha Sundararaman, President of Inner Wheel Club of Chennai Harmony highlighted the need to periodically update the Netizens about Cyber safety.

As if to emphasize that they go beyond wishes to make them into reality, the President of Inner Wheel Club also announced a Fortnightly Free online webinar on Cyber Security, wherein various aspects of Cyber safety including analysis of reported cases will be discussed.

The Webinar series was then formally launched by Ms. Fathima Nasira, District Chairman Inner Wheel District 323, who expressed her happiness about the initiative and the response from the public.

Please view the launch and more details of  the Webinar series at my YouTube channel 

Please view the video feedback on the programme at my YouTube channel

Thank you Inner Wheel Club, for your care and interest for the cyber safety of Netizen  !







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Session on Computer Basics-23 Nov 2024

Feedback – session on Computer Basics

Thanks to all the enthusiastic participants who were kind enough to provide their sincere feedback on the event as feedback is a great source of encouragement in improving my offerings. Let us stay safe- Cyber Safe

Date : 23-Nov-2024


Really useful. Very simple and u taught practically. These basic things only we can’t get from any one. Elders feel shy to ask their children and grandchildren and they also don’t have patience to explain slowly.

Ms. Hema Parthasarathy

Kapali , you have taken lot of efforts for this class . God Bless you and your family . Continue this social and awareness service

Mr. N.Santhanam

It was useful and very informative. Thanks

Mr. Abdul Majeed Majeed

Valgha valamudan Nalamudan. Thank you very much.Nice program. Very useful

Mr. D A Arumugam
Spreading Computer Skills and Awareness

Spreading Computer Skills and Awareness

Updated on: 23-Nov-2024

The session was well attended by senior citizens, where basics of Computer Operations was discussed in detail, for around two hours. Participants were also given practical exercises to practice what has been learnt.

As promised, solutions to practice exercises were also made available to the praticipants, for their permenant reference in the form of videos at the YouTube @kapaliscanvas,  in the exclusive playlists.

Feedback from the satisfied pratcipants could be had at: 

Invite for a Free Computer Awareness Session 

Some senior citizens recently approached me to get clarified on their basic doubts in computer operations as well as Internet browsing. After going through the details of previous Online Coaching sessions in my website, some have also requested for a session on Basic computer operations, so that they can operate computers more confidently as they have none to support them with their doubts.

It was a rude shock to know that there are many similar senior citizens and home makers who are indulging in operating computers and are also wading into the world wide web even though they are not aware of the pitfalls. Realizing the need to support such people who are not equipped with Digital support, I have decided to conduct one more free online support session, whose degtails are given below:

The session,

– targets computer illiterates and those who have no support for their computer basic needs

– will cover basic computer operations focusing on how to use the computer.

– will be through online (Google Meet)

– will be in English and Tamil (If requested)

– is open to anyone interested

–  will be free but Registration is essential

– will be on 23-Nov-2024 (Sat) between 6:30 PM and 8:30 PM IST

Interested people can send a WhatsApp to +91 9840258014 with ‘Computer Basics’ and their Name to complete the  Registration and also get any doubts about the session clarified.

I sincerely feel and also it is my earnest desire that people are more ‘Cyber educated’ through this session intended to spread awareness on cyber security.

Let us Care and Share – knowledge

Kapaleeswaran, V

Please feel free to share this with anyone with an intent to learn

To get more details about the CKG (Cyber Kidergarten) initiative , please check : What is C.K.G ?

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Cyber Awareness Video in Poornashakti YouTube Channel

Cyber Awareness Video in Poornashakti YouTube Channel

Happy to share a video on Cyber Awareness for Senior Citizen Pensioners about a prevailing cyber fraud based on online submission of Life Certificate in the popular YouTube channel PoornaShakti , a channel dedicated for the welfare of Elders.

Full video titled: Life certificate Online – ஜாக்கிரதை can be viewed at: PoornaShakti

All are invited not only to view the video but also share the same with their friends, relatives, near and Dear ones, so that Cyber awareness is spread and people don’t fall a victim to cyber crime.

Please also do not forget to offer your valuable comments at the comments section in the YouTube channel.




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Session on Cyber Awareness in Tamil

Session on Cyber Awareness in Tamil

சைபர் ஆபத்துக்களைத் தவிர்க்க , எதிர்கொண்டு வெற்றி கொள்ள ஓர் அழைப்பு

சாதாரண மக்கள் தினந்தோறும் வளர்ந்து, மிரட்டி வரும் சைபர் குற்றங்களை எதிர் கொள்ள ஒரே வழி இவர்களின் அறியாமையையும் ஆபத்துக்களையும் விரட்டுவது தான். முக்கியமாக முதியவர்கள், பெண்டிர் மற்றும் சைபர் விஷயங்களில் உதவி தேடுபவர்களுக்கு நீட்டப்படும் கரங்கள் தான் இவை.

வளர்ந்து வரும் விஞ்ஞான உலகத்தில் சைபர் பாதைகள் தவிர்க்க முடியாத ஓரு வழி. இந்தப் பாதைகளைத் தவிர்த்தோ இல்லை தெரியாமலும் புரியாமலும் பயணம் செய்வது ஆபத்தை விளைவிக்கும் .

சைபர் உலகத்தின் பால பாடங்களைச் சொல்லிக் கொடுத்து, தான் ஒரு சைபர் அநாதை இல்லை என்ற நம்பிக்கையை அளிக்கும் ஓர் சிறிய முயற்ச்சி இது .

யார் வேண்டுமானாலும் இலவசமாக வீட்டில் இருந்து கொண்டே இதைக் கற்று தெரிந்து கொண்டால் இப்படிபட்ட சைபர் எளியவர்கள் முதிர்ந்து, சைபர் உலகத்தில் தைரியமாக வலம் வர  முடியும்.

ஆகையால், தேவைப் படுபவர்கள் +91 9840258014 என்ற எண்ணுக்கு ஒரு வாட்சப் செய்தி அனுப்பி விபரங்கள் தெரிந்து கொண்டு பயிற்சி மேற்க் கொள்ள அன்புடன் அழைக்கிறேன்.



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All your doubts which you thought were too silly to ask

All your doubts which you thought were too silly to ask


Whenever I am asked to address on topics of Cyber security and cyber basics, it is my practice to encourage the participants to raise their doubts upfront so that they are clarified at the session and this I feel is the primary takeaway for the attendees.

At a recent session I was given to understand that many were having doubts but were shy and so hesitant to share as they felt that they were too simple to be voiced before others.

This has spurred me to open an avenue for such people to ask any doubt, however simple and silly they may appear. Whenever a question is posted, my task will be to provide a simple solution to the query through a video , which will be posted in my YouTube channel.

Here are some FAQs on this:

How to send your doubt?

Send your doubt/query as a simple WhatsApp message to me to +91 9840258014 or as an email to

Where to see the Answers?

Suitable answer to the query will be posted as a video in my YouTube channel : Kapali’s Canvas

How will you know  when a video is posted?

To keep getting informed about all the videos being posted,  all that the interested person has to do is to subscribe to my YouTube channel: Kapali’s Canvas


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2024 Sep 09 Cyber Security Awareness

Feedback on Cyber Security Awareness session

Date : 09-Sep-2024


Feedback from the host and President of Inner Wheel Club of Chennai Harmony on the online Cyber Security Awareness programme conducted on the 9th Sep, 2024. 

Click here to View at the link

Video feedback by President of Inner Wheel Club Chennai Harmony

Though I could be present only for a short while during the presentation, the information provided was extremely useful.

An excellent opportunity to know more about cyber crime. Thank you so much Sir!

Sridevi D S

Very much eye opening session lot of doubts cleared


Would like know more happy to discuss further and spread word further


We got Very very useful & valuable information.. thank you

Uma K R

Excellent Session


It was a very useful and eye opening session.Thank you sir regarding the passward creating and Net banking.

Anuradha Ramgopal

It was a wonderful session. Eagerly waiting to have more such sessions 👍

Anandhi Sabesan

As the meeting message was late for me, I joined only ten minutes before the section end. In future If I get information it will be very useful to us.

Lecture on “Unlock Secrets to Cyber Safety”

Lecture on “Unlock Secrets to Cyber Safety”

Updated on 23-Sep-2024:

The two hour session was attended by over 75 enthusiastic participants and the interactions were very informative.

Interactions were ably led by Ms. Sudha Sundararaman, President of Inner Wheel Club of Chennai Harmony and members were encouraged to share their experiences and raise queries.

Real time incidents were also shared by many including Ms. Fathima Nasira, District Chairman Inner Wheel District 323. Was happy to share the thoughts with an educated and knowledgeable audience and the feedback from the participants, including an encore of the session was overwhelming.

Thank you Inner Wheel Club !

Feedback received are at:

Please view the video feedback of the President of Inner Wheel Club of Chennai Harmony can be viewed at: Feedback from the Inner Wheel Club President

Video feedback of participant Ms Vijee Murugan can be viewed at : Feedback of Ms. Vijee Murugan

Video feedback of participant and Inner Wheel Club of Chennai Harmony member Ms. Annalakshmi is at:



Posted on 07-Sep-2024:

Invited by the Inner Wheel Club of Chennai Harmony to deliver a lecture on Cyber security awareness – tips and guidelines through an Online session  on 09-Sep-2024 , between 5:30 and 7:00 PM IST

The online session titled ‘ How to be Safe in the Digital World’ is  open to all in addition to the members of the host Innner Wheel Club.

Details and steps to participate in the session are given below by the President of the Inner Wheel Club of Chennai Harmony, Ms Sudha Sundararaman:

Hi, With Cyber crime on the increase, this session will bring in more clarity on ‘ HOW TO BE SAFE IN THE DIGITAL WORLD’.

Register for this free session and ask your questions by filling out this form .

Scan the QR code or click here to join the session :

Sudha Sundararaman

Interested netizens could use this open invite to participate.



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